Maryam Nawaz Sharif, daughter of Pakistan’s ex prime minister Nawaz Sharif was arrested, ironically, in the same prison where she had gone to meet her father. He is serving a 10-year sentence that started earlier in the year after being convicted in 1 of 3 charges brought on from the Panama Papers Case.
Maryam is a major shareholder in the Chaudhry Sugar Mills (CSM), “We have arrested Maryam Nawaz in the Chaudhry Sugar Mills (CSM) case as she was facing money laundering and income beyond means charges,” a NAB official told.
This shows that the apple does not fall far from the tree, and evidence of corruption within the government’s highest levels. The Sharif family has been involved in multiple corruption and money laundering charges throughout their time in government as well as prior to stepping in office.
They have been charged with laundering money through shell companies in the U.K. where they built a real estate empire, taking resources and funds away from the people of Pakistan.
Justice is always inevitable and in the case of the Sharif family it seems the tide has finally turned against them, and the time has come for them to start to pay for the crimes they committed.