Palaniappan Chidambaram is the former Finance Minister of India, serving 2 consecutive terms with the previous Congress party that led India for 10 years.
Chidambaram was arrested in corruption and money laundering charges relating all the way back to a 2006 Telecommunications deal. His son Karti Chidambaram was also in the midst of it, approving the acquisition of the telecommunication firm, Aircel Ltd, by a Malaysian firm, Maxis Bhd.
The arrest warrant for Chidambaram was issued by a competent court as per a spokesman of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). His appeal for exemption from arrest was denied the day before his arrest by Delhi High Court.
In a dramatic turn of events, Indian police climbed over Chidambaram’s house walls to arrest him after his press conference and a couple of days earlier than his scheduled arrest date.
Every money-launderer or corrupt politician hopes for a happy ending, but hopefully we continue to see the negative trend of such incidents. Chidambaram and his involved associates are now put behind bars for a long time and it seems slowly that better measures are being put in place so incoming politicians think twice before taking advantage of people for self-benefit.